This document makes available to third-party users the Regulation regarding the terms and conditions of use of the site (hereinafter referred to as “the site”).
The site is owned by the company ASOCIATIA ROMANA DE PSYCHOTERAPIE INTEGRATIVA (ARPI), with headquarters in Craiova, str. România Muncitoare no. 30, CUI 20819752.
The use of the site (which includes access, browsing, but also donating to the association or to the projects presented on this site), constitutes the agreement to comply with the terms and conditions that will be stated in this document, including all the effects and consequences they attract.
The website administrator has the right to modify the content of this agreement at any time without prior notification to the users. Users have permanent access to the terms and conditions document and can consult them at any time.
Site Content
The content of this website may not be reproduced, used, exposed, transmitted or distributed for purposes other than those expressly and legally permitted. The extraction of information of any kind followed by its use for commercial purposes, regardless of its nature, which exceeds the scope of private copying regulated by law or for sale or licensing and without the prior written consent of the owner of the property rights, is a violation of terms and conditions.
You also agree not to interfere or affect in any way the security of the site (including all its elements) with elements that prevent or block in any way the use, copying of content or elements that enforce the limits of use of the site or the content included therein. Discontinuous and uninterrupted use of the site is not guaranteed, as errors/defects may occur. All measures will be taken to limit and eliminate such unpleasant situations in the shortest possible time. Any comments written by website users can be used for advertising purposes and not only.
It may be necessary to create a personal account on the site in order to access certain sections or courses. You hereby declare that you agree to assume full responsibility for all activities carried out on the website through your personal account. Therefore, please ensure the security of your account information and access data. In the unfortunate event that your account security is compromised, you must notify the site administrator immediately. ASOCIATIA ROMANA DE PSYCHOTERAPIE INTEGRATIVA (ARPI) is not responsible for damages caused or caused to third parties of any kind by unauthorized use of the account.
Applicable law
By using the site, the user agrees to be governed by Romanian laws on the Terms and Conditions and on any disputes that may arise between users and the administrator ASOCIATIA ROMANA DE PSIHOTERAPIE INTEGRATIVA (ARPI), or its associates/partners/affiliates. In case of possible conflicts, an amicable solution will be attempted in the first phase, but if no consensus is reached, the resolution of these situations will be resolved in court, according to the Romanian laws in force.
Site Changes, Availability
The site administrator has the right to change the structure and interface of any element of the site, regardless of the moment and the chosen time interval. It also has the right to partially or totally, temporarily or permanently interrupt the services made available to users through the website without prior notice, whether individual or general.
Any question or concern regarding this document can be addressed by email from the contact section.
Mode of operation
Orders/registrations made on this site are confirmed by email at the end of the order. Information etc. will also be sent by e-mail. as the case.
Payment methods
Payment by card
Payments can be made using debit or credit cards. These are processed by Stripe, with which the ROMAN ASSOCIATION OF INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY (ARPI) is a partner. Communication with the processor is done through a secure connection, the data being encrypted. All card information will be exclusively processed by the payment processor.
Tax invoice for legal entities
For orders made on behalf of a legal entity, tax invoices can be issued following a written request received by email. The request must contain the order number or the name under which the order was placed and complete billing data (company name, CUI, Trade Reg No., registered office, bank account, bank where the account is opened, delegate).
Protection of personal data
According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal and free data of the circulation of these data, modified and supplemented, and of Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, the personal data provided by users will be administered only for the specified purposes and for the purpose of offering services in optimal conditions. Users understand and accept that the personal data they provide is processed for the purpose of providing services in optimal conditions by the website administrator of advertising, marketing and advertising services, electronic communications services and services associated with the sales platform of courses. Each user provides certain personal data to benefit from the services offered by the administrator. The refusal to provide certain data may lead to the impossibility of accessing certain services through the website. Also, these data can be provided to the contractual partners of ASOCIATIA ROMANA DE PSIHOTERAPIE INTEGRATIVA (ARPI), who are involved in providing services through the website. According to Law no. 677/2001, each user benefits from the right of access, intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to go to court. The user has the right to object to the processing of this type of data concerning him and to request the deletion of the data. At the same time, users understand and accept that the effect of deleting this data will be the impossibility of accessing the service provided by the site administrator. To exercise these rights, users can make a written request to send by e-mail.
Limitation of liability
ASOCIATIA ROMANA DE PSIHOTERAPIE INTEGRATIVA (ARPI) is not responsible in any way, under any form, and bears no responsibility for the card payment processing service and for any type of error and/or fraud arising from or related to payment service. The data provided by the users is their responsibility and they are fully responsible for its veracity.